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DongGuan Denuo Metal Iron And Steel Co.,Ltd.

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QAl11-6-6 Aluminum bronze
Category:Copper alloy
Demo:DongGuan Denuo Metal Iron And Steel Co.,Ltd.
Product details

QAl11-6-6, QAl11-6-6 copper alloy, QAl11-6-6 copper, QAl11-6-6 copper bar, QAl11-6-6 aluminum bronze, QAl11-6-6 aluminum bronze rod, QAl11-6-6 copper alloy, QAl11-6-6 bronze, QAl11-6-6 aluminum bronze
Material Name: Aluminum Bronze Extruded Rod (28-50mm)
Brand: QAl11-6-6
Standard: GB/T 13808-1992
Characteristics and Scope of Application:
The composition, performance, and QAl10-4-4 are similar.
● Chemical composition:
Copper Cu: Surplus
Tin Sn: ≤ 0.2
Zinc: ≤ 0.6
Lead Pb: ≤ 0.05
Phosphorus P: ≤ 0.1
Nickel Ni: 5.0~6.5
Aluminum Al: 10.0~11.5
Iron Fe: 5.0-6.5
Manganese Mn: ≤ 0.5
Silicon Si: ≤ 0.2
Note: ≤ 1.5 (impurities)
● Mechanical properties:
Tensile strength σ b (MPa): ≥ 635
Elongation rate δ 10 (%): ≥ 5
Note: Longitudinal room temperature tensile mechanical properties of bar materials
Sample size: diameter>28-50 2.3

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