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QAl9-4 Aluminum bronze plate QAl9-4 aluminum bronze thick plate Aluminum bronze plate can be zero cut
Category:Copper alloy
Demo:DongGuan Denuo Metal Iron And Steel Co.,Ltd.
Product details

Introduction to qal9-4
Material Name: QAl9-4 Aluminum Bronze
Standard: (GB/T 13808-1992)
Characteristics and Scope of Application:
QAl9-4 aluminum bronze, which contains iron, has high strength and anti friction properties, good corrosion resistance, and good hot state pressure processing performance. It can be welded and gas welded, but its fiber welding performance is poor. QAl9-4 aluminum bronze can be used as a substitute for high tin wear-resistant bronze.
chemical composition
Chemical composition:
Tin Sn: 0.1
Zinc Zn: 1.0
Lead Pb: 0.01
Phosphorus P: 0.01
Aluminum Al: 8.0~10.0
Iron Fe: 2.0~4.0
Manganese Mn: 0.5
Silicon Si: 0.1
Impurities: 1.7
Nickel Ni: 0.5
Copper Cu: Surplus
mechanical property 
Tensile strength σ b (MPa): ≥ 540
Elongation rate δ 10 (%): ≥ 15
Elongation rate δ 5 (%): ≥ 17
Hardness: 110-190HB
Note: Longitudinal room temperature tensile mechanical properties of bar materials
Sample size: diameter 10-120
QAl9-4 Heat Treatment Specification: Heat Processing Temperature 750-850 ℃; Annealing temperature 700-750 ℃; Quenching temperature 850 ℃ water cooling; Tempering temperature is 500-550 ℃.



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